I Can’t Breathe

Over the weekend, I felt overwhelmed as I took in the news. Death. Riots. More death. More destruction. Cities overrun by thieves and murderers.

In the middle of all of it, as our freedom to move about and do business was starting to return, Virginia’s governor slammed it back down by mandating masks for everyone, telling them to keep being afraid and keep hiding.

These words that people took up as a rallying cry mean more than they realize:

I can’t breathe.

The constant fear all around me. The call to hide, to distance, to be afraid.

The masks. They’re all fake. We all wear them one way or another. We judge each other for them. They are talismans of false security and safety.

I can’t breathe.

I went to the Lord.

I can’t breathe.

He comforted me. And simply said to take off the mask, breathe life, and speak these words over a people in chaos.

“Speak boldly, confidently,” he said, “and all of Heaven will stand in agreement with you. And it shall be done.”

A Declaration for a People in Chaos

You are sons and daughters of the Most High King.
He is your God, your Father in Heaven.

You are loved by God.

You will act like sons and daughter of the King, and think like sons and daughters of the King.

You mind, body and soul will submit to the Spirit of the Living God.  And you will hear the voice of the Living God in your spirit.

Your heart is good, fertile soil in which the seed of His Word has been planted and will grow, be fruitful, and multiply.

You are mighty lights for God on this earth, and you will push back darkness and chaos where ever it crosses paths with you.

You are living stones built in a spiritual house. 

You will walk in victory and see the goodness of God in everything you set you hands to. 

Because He lives, you will also live. 

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